Varicose Veins During Pregnancy: Prevention is Key

Varicose veins are dark, swollen blood vessels that are most commonly found on the legs. They can develop for various reasons: age, genetic predispositions, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal therapy, or inactivity. Varicose veins are the result of weakened blood vessel walls and/or valves, which cause the irregular blood flow through the vein.

Some women don’t experience this complication during pregnancy, some develop it after the childbirth, while some happen to spot their first varicose veins pregnancy complications in the first trimester. Varicose veins pregnancy Los Angeles specialists suggest that if certain lifestyle changes are made and taken on time, these varicose veins during pregnancy complications can be avoided or minimized.

If you’re already struggling with the discomfort, you need to take action and make varicose veins go away. But if you feel that you have reason to worry about pregnancy-caused varicose veins in the future, read about which preventive actions you can take to stop the complication from happening.

Spotting varicose veins during pregnancy complications

Although serious varicose veins during pregnancy complications are rare, there are cases of the condition getting worse if not treated timely. Most commonly, varicose veins cause pain and discomfort that fade away after the childbirth. Symptoms often include aching, the sensation of heavy legs, swollen ankles and feet, thinning of the skin covering the varicose vein, muscle cramps, burning or throbbing sensation in the legs.

However, if the symptoms are persistent and do not fade in months after delivery, it is very important to consult a specialist. If ignored, these symptoms may get more serious, developing conditions like hyperpigmentation (blood leaking from the vein into the surrounding tissue), lipodermatosclerosis (hardening of the leg tissue), bleeding, or deep vein thrombosis (the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, one of the most serious conditions).

Is there a way to completely prevent varicose veins from forming? Unfortunately, not for sure, as the condition tends to be associated with genetic predispositions, but there are several recommendations you should follow during pregnancy to try to prevent, delay or minimize varicose veins during pregnancy complications.

What can you do to prevent and treat varicose veins?

Exercise every day. Make sure you stay active. Moderate exercise that doesn’t put too much strain on your legs can improve blood circulation. Do what relaxes you the most: walk, swim, cycle, or jog regularly. Avoid sitting or standing up for long periods of time. While you are sitting, avoid crossing your legs, and try to flex your ankles as often as possible. Whenever you can, elevate your legs to improve circulation.

Do your best to eat healthily. Avoid pastries, white flour, white rice, sweets – opt for whole wheat, brown rice, fruit and vegetables, and always go for boiled food rather than fried. Also, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.

Avoid high heels and tight clothes. If you already have varicose veins or have a high risk of developing them, it’s best to avoid wearing uncomfortable and tight clothing and high heels. Constrictive clothes can reduce circulation in your body, while high heels make your calves be in a constant state of contraction and, therefore, less efficient in pumping blood back to the heart, which results in poorer circulation.

Sleep on your left side. This position helps minimize the pressure from the uterus to the blood vessels in the pelvic area.

Don’t forget to take your vitamins, especially vitamin C. It stimulates elastin and collagen production in the body, which helps repair and keep blood vessels whole.

Still having troubles with varicose veins after childbirth?

Do not despair – even if your varicose veins turn out to be persistent, help is on the way. Dr. Ivan Brooks, MD is a certified and accredited physician who specializes in vein treatment. Make a phone call to Beverly Hills Vein Institute and book your appointment. Your good health is our priority.

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