Do Varicose Veins Go Away After Pregnancy?

Many women experience the unpleasantness triggered by having varicose veins during pregnancy. These unshapely, dark, swollen veins most commonly appear on the legs, thighs or feet, causing discomfort and pain. Varicose veins pregnancy Los Angeles experts explain how these veins are formed and how to prevent varicose vein formation or at least minimize the nuisance they cause during pregnancy. Ultimately, they answer one of the most common questions mothers-to-be ask their physicians: Do varicose veins go away after pregnancy?

Why do varicose veins appear during pregnancy?

Before answering the ultimate question, do varicose veins go away after pregnancy, and whether you have reason to worry, it’s important to take a step back and understand what causes them. Two types of blood vessels are responsible for sending the blood throughout our bodies. The arteries distribute the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to the body, and the veins send the blood back to the heart to get oxygenated again.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a series of changes: weight gain, hormonal balance change, and natural blood flow increase, while the womb starts expanding, pressuring the pelvic area veins. Vein valves, responsible for keeping the blood flow from going the wrong way, get weaker and dysfunctional. The blood flow gets disrupted, and the blood starts collecting in the vein or leaking outside of it (as the vein walls grow weaker as well).

What can be done to ease the discomfort caused by varicose veins?

The level of discomfort caused by varicose veins can range from mild to severe. A mother-to-be can be disaffected with her veins, feeling only mild heaviness in her legs. On the other hand, she can have more serious issues, like excessive swelling, painful cramps, while the skin around her veins gets darker.

The good news is that there are several ways to minimize these symptoms, or at least make them bearable: do your best to eat healthily, avoid wearing high heels or tight clothes, get your daily dose of vitamins (especially vitamin C), elevate your legs whenever you can, and try wearing compression stockings.

The most important thing is to stay active, in a way that doesn’t put any additional strain on your veins. You can (and should) go for a 30-minute walk, go for a light run, or ride a stationary bike. However, you should avoid exercise that can put undue strain to your circulation, such as weightlifting, running on hard surfaces, sit ups, lunges or crunches.

Do varicose veins go away after pregnancy?

The question that gets asked the most when it comes to the subject of varicose veins is: Do varicose veins go away after pregnancy?

After the delivery, varicose veins tend to get a lot better, and it usually takes up to three or four months for them to get stronger and properly functional again. Unfortunately, for some women, the hassle does not end after the delivery. Their veins do not go away, and the reason for that may be family varicose veins history, previous multiple pregnancies, a job that requires standing for long periods of time, or excess weight.

How to eliminate varicose veins after pregnancy?

If varicose veins are persistent after the delivery, it is important to consult a specialist. Beverly Hills Vein Institute expert, Dr. Ivan Brooks, MD, is here to help you win your vein-free life back. Contact us today and book a consultation.

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