Vein Disease Los Angeles Experts Explain the Weight and Varicose Veins Correlation

Everyone knows that keeping a healthy diet and maintaining your ideal weight is crucial to your health and well-being but did you know that obesity is one of the most significant factors in developing venous reflux disease, which leads to varicose veins? Leading experts studying and treating varicose veins in Los Angeles have explained the correlation between the two.

The impact of weight gain on your veins

Having excess body weight is harmful to a number of organs and systems in your body. Your legs, and particularly ankles, knees and hips will suffer significantly at the expense of your increased weight over time, and the development of increased cholesterol levels and blood pressure as well as diabetes and heart disease can cause you serious problems.


Increased weight is also harmful to the valves of your veins inside the legs. Because of this, the blood pressure in your leg veins increases and you may develop symptoms like aching, cramping, fatigue, swelling and more. You will lose the motivation to exercise or at least take a light walk anywhere because of the pain and discomfort in your legs. This becomes a chronic process and you continue to gain weight every year. It won’t be before long that you’ve realized that you’ve gained over 50 lbs.

How can you prevent this?

If you recognized yourself in the previous paragraph and want to do something before you develop this persistent vein disease, you need to reassess your diet. Some nutrients can help your veins get stronger and more elastic. All it takes is a little determination to implement some changes that will turn out to be beneficial for your veins and your overall health in the long run.


One of the key nutrients that can help prevent developing varicose veins is Bioflavonoids or Vitamin P. With its high concentration of antioxidants and an abundance of anti-inflammatory qualities, Vitamin P has been proven to reduce swelling and strengthen the connective tissue inside your vein walls. Your main sources of this nutrient are fresh fruits and vegetables like red bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, garlic, tropical fruits etc.


Apart from that you also need to increase the input of fiber in your organism. Fiber is crucial for a balanced nutrition and can help reduce the risk of diseases such as cholesterol, which can also harm your vascular system. You will need to replace white flour with the whole wheat variant that has all the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibers. Replace all sweets with fruit as they will boost the antioxidants levels in your system, which can in turn strengthen your veins.


Last but not least, be sure to stay hydrated at all times. Water is a key component of your diet, especially if you take enough fiber. Start each day with a glass of water, and always have a bottle near you. If you want to spice it up a little, add slices of orange, lime, cucumbers or mint leaves.

What are your best options for treating vein disease in Los Angeles?

If you want to get rid of this problem and go back to walking and exercising, you need to consider treating the persistent vein disease. Beverly Hills Vein Institute specializes in varicose vein treatment alternatives to surgery. We offer procedures including sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy as well as edovenous laser therapy which can help cure your varicose veins efficiently and involve minimal levels of invasiveness and recovery. Book an appointment today through our online form or by calling 1(310) 853 – 5850.

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