What You Want to Know about Spider Veins

The web of twist-and-turning blue or red veins got their name from a resembling spider web. Spider veins usually develop on the legs, particularly the thighs. Easy visible through the skin, they can look quite unsightly when they accumulate in large number. Whether you are looking for the best spider vein removal Los Angeles for cosmetic or medical reasons, here’s what you need to know about this vein condition.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are capillary veins that appear as a web of tiny red, purple or blue lines. The medical term for them is telangiectasia. Just like varicose veins, spider veins are dilated superficial blood vessels but smaller and closer to the surface of the skin.

Spider veins, also called thread veins, can occur anywhere on the body, most commonly on the legs and face. They form gradually, usually in clusters.

Who can get spider veins?

It is true that spider veins tend to form more often in women but the percentage of men expected to develop this condition is not as low as you may think. Spider or varicose veins occur in approximately 50-55 percent of women and 40-45 percent of men.

What causes spider veins?

Spider veins develop due to structural abnormalities of blood vessels. When valves in the veins become damaged or weak, blood flow gets disturbed, which can lead to spider veins.

Many people that seek the best vein removal in Los Angeles are genetically predisposed to develop vein conditions. If varicose or spider veins run in your family, there’s a good chance you will get them, as well.

As we age, our blood vessels become less elastic and anything that puts extra stress on our vascular system can contribute to developing this vein condition. Therefore, people who have a vigorous workout routine, sit or stand for long periods of time during the day are at an increased risk for spider veins.

Hormonal changes associated with the menopause and pregnancy can make you susceptible to getting spider veins. Sun damage, obesity, trauma on the leg or an injury to the skin, taking corticosteroids, being exposed to radiotherapy or extreme temperatures may also provoke spider veins.

On the other hand, there are millions of women who get pregnant and people who work at their desks for years but still don’t get spider veins. This is why we say that genetics is the number one cause.

Are spider veins dangerous?

Over time, spider veins tend to become larger and increase in number. In most cases, people are interested in getting the best spider vein removal in Los Angeles because of aesthetic reasons or uncomfortable symptoms that follow spider veins.

Spider veins can cause pain, itching, burning, swelling, tiredness or a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Though spider veins rarely cause serious illnesses, in some cases, people with spider veins develop skin ulcers, wounds in the legs and soft tissue infection.

It’s best to have your spider veins checked by a specialist and have them treated before they get worse. This way, you will avoid any discomfort and possible complications.

Where can I get the best spider vein removal Los Angeles?

If you are suffering from spider veins or varicose veins, do not leave them untreated. The most common spider vein therapy is sclerotherapy. It is a safe, effective and painless way to remove your spider veins. Reach out to Beverly Hills Vein Institute for the best spider vein removal Los Angeles!

Call us at (310) 853-5850 to schedule a consultation and get the right non-surgical treatment for your vein condition.

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