Varicose Vein Bleeding: Why You Shouldn’t Postpone Removing Varicose Veins!

Varicose veins are often harmless and pose no threat other than being a cosmetic nuisance or causing symptoms such as fatigue or aches. However, there have been several cases of vascular veins becoming a life-threatening condition with a fatal result.

Varicose veins can sometimes result in a massive hemorrhage that requires immediate medical attention. While these complications are extremely rare, there have been various cases that linked varicose veins to ulceration, dermatitis or severe bleeding. There are several factors that can contribute to the later condition, such as alcohol, sedatives or anticoagulant drugs.

We don’t mean to scare you, but cannot stress how important removing varicose veins is! Many dismiss varicose vein bleeding as a myth, but there are many well-documented cases where this condition proved fatal. In this article we are going to cover the facts behind what causes such a grave condition and what you should do in case you start bleeding from your varicose veins.

What Causes These Severe Complications?

There are several contributing factors that can make a simple benign varicose vein problem get out of hand. One of the leading factors is age, as the varicose vein condition in senior citizens has a tendency to worsen and cause the vein to burst. Minor trauma can often cause varicose veins to burst, although the rupture on the skin may not be obvious or recognized as such at first. Sometimes it doesn’t take too much to puncture the enlarged veins. In fact, many of the mentioned cases occurred under the shower while patients were rubbing the affected veins.

Leg ulcers are another contributing factor, and occur due to venous insufficiency. This means that not enough blood is pumped back to the heart due to the varicose vein issue. Sometimes an ulcer can penetrate the vein and cause it to bleed.

Heart and liver failure can also cause varicose veins to bleed, as the pressure to the veins is increased. In case of a liver failure the condition is made worse due to the organ not being able to produce the blood clotting enzymes.

People with blood clotting issues are also at risk of suffering varicose vein bleeding. These conditions can be either genetic or medically induced. The most common genetic issues known to cause such problems are hemophilia and Von Willebrand Disease. On the other hand, taking medications such as aspirin or Coumadin are known to slow down clotting.

What Should I Do in Case of a Varicose Vein Bleeding?

If your varicose vein starts bleeding, as terrifying as the sight may be, try to remain calm. The blood is likely to be coming from small opening and flowing rather than spurting. Next, apply pressure on the wound. Firmly apply a cloth over the wound. Raise your leg above your heart to relieve some of the pressure in the veins and slow the bleeding down. Keep holding the cloth down firmly to ensure a clot is formed even if the bleeding seems to have stopped. Don’t use a tourniquet, as applying it wrong can make things even worse. Seek medical attention as soon as you are able to. Even a closed can start bleeding again. Needless to say, booking an appointment to remove the affected veins is imperative! While the death toll of this complication is minor, seeing a specialist to ensure this doesn’t happen again is highly recommended.

Safe and Effective Vascular Vein Removal in Beverly Hills

While fatal hemorrhages are a rare complication, they are known to occur with varicose vein patients. This is why it’s so important to seek help from a vascular vein removal clinic at the first signs of a varicose veins. There are several proven and painless methods like sclerotherapy or laser treatment that can help solve your vascular vein problem effectively and reduce the risk of bleeding. To book an appointment with Beverly Hills Vein Institute, contact us at (310) 853-5850.

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